To start off, my day was already a bright one because
- I wore my Cute new Forever 21 shirt and pants
- The weather was so nice and cool
- and finally it was a Thursday, Which means GEORGE Day!!!

But that is not where my day ended... no. Life at Brigham Young University is quite appealing to those who are looking for thrilling absurd things to do..... Like True BLUE football. What an event! Elizabeth and I were looking forward to this, we could not wait. But we had to- in a long line! Ugh in the cold windy rain we ran towards Helaman Fields just to find hundreds of kids standing in an Extensive line. They shivering just like us. Luckily we spotted James and cut in line with him, his roommate, and his friend. While the wait was a bit long and cold- man was it worth it! Running in mud, sliding down a hill in blue foam, and playing in a sea of fluffy stuff.
After trailing blue everywhere, rinsing my clothes out, and a hot shower,
I allowed myself ,because I was so good today, to join Christy and Lauren in going to Gurus for dinner. We had such a fun girls night out there. We all shared a cup of Toasted Marshmallow Drink-( Which actually tasted like Toasted marshmallows!), enchiladas, and the best ever SWEET POTATO FRIES!
But one of the most unexpected and fun moments of the day was when Elizabeth and I checked our mail to find that I had a PACKAGE- what?
I got a package from SILVER FROG!!!!!!! O what a good Thogchag she is ;)
She had sent me a very large amount of Disney and other Classic movie music. I love the CDS so much!