Thursday, November 29, 2012

My Books

I am in between books right now and I do not know what to do with myself. Every time that I close a book I feel so sad. It is almost like I have lost a friend. Some books have done this more than others. I have decided to make a list, not just of my favorite books, but rather books that changed me. These books have altered forever how I view and think about the world around me.


This book was the most amazing experiences I have had. Yes, experience. Scarlet O'Hara was my friend for over a year as it took me that long to read its 1448 pages.Scarlet is one of the most endearing and strong characters ever written about. This book captures the life of the Civil War and Reconstruction years through the eyes of the south. I have a hard time looking at history the same anymore as I feel like I have had a personal experience; as well as a view from the other side of the war. Everyone should read this book!


This book is probably my most favorite books I have ever read. The language is beyond compare as it beautifully captures the moment, emotions and all. I have never read anything quite like this book and believe that Jane Eyre will always be my high standard for books. This story is about a strong heroin who is true to herself and has true integrity. I can relate so well to Jane and her commentary on life. When I was in London, I found the most beautiful 100+ year old copy and I will treasure it forever.


I read this right after I had finished Gone With the Wind and I could not help compare the two. But even in the wake of such a book, These Is My Words stood its own. This was such a personal account of life in the territories. Over all this book showed me the human spirit and what we are all capable of doing. Sarah Prine is one of the most amazing women ever to have lived. While this book is mostly fiction, it is loosely based off of Nancy Turner's great grandmother.


I have to put this book on my list. Not a day goes by that I don't think about this book in some form. I read this way before it was known or had any hype and expected nothing when I went to read it. I was Blown away from what I read. The first book is truly my favorite as it was so new and exciting to me. It was a breath of fresh air; it was so innovative and creative.


This is a remarkable study comparing the Enlightenment to the new incoming Romantic movement. This book is wonderfully rateable and like all Jane Austen books, have such strong character archetypes. It was when we read this book in English class in London that I fully gained my appreciation for this book. There is so much more to this story then a "romance."


No list would be complete with out the Harry Potter series in my taste. I am a part of the Harry Potter generation and I am so proud. Ever since first grade Harry has been apart of my life through books and movies. J K Rowling told us of one of the most amazing worlds and now ours will never be the same. Severus Snape is by far my most favorite characters of all time, ever since the first time I read the sorcerers stone. He owns the saddest most complex tales of all time. 


This is one of the best fantasy series I have read. I grew so attached to all of the characters as they grow and learn throughout the five books. I love the world that David Eddings created in his books and relativeness of the characters and plots. My all time favorite heroine comes from these books. Polgara is a strong, independent, complex, caring. beautiful, stubborn, smart, powerful woman who gets what she wants. 


This was one of the first historical fiction novels I ever read and I have loved them ever since. This book is about the crusades and how two boys, both from different sides of the holy wars, were healed because of this horse. It has been a while since I have read it, but I truly loved it and it got me hooked on historical fiction.