Our trip up North has started.
And what beautiful weather we are getting!
We started our trip by going to the MTC and Preston Temple. . . then to the River Ribble in honor of our church history.
And then passing green pastures, beautiful vistas, sheep, cows, trees and more. . .
Not to mention instead of reading a tale of two cities we were assigned to watch

We came to Ambleside 
And our group A spent our afternoon at Dove Cottage
I cannot believe how beautiful this place is. Its no wonder how and why Wordsworth wrote poetryEverywhere we turned there was something new- hidden- and beautiful to look at. It is other worldly here. Its too dream like. We also got to go to the cemetery where Wordsworth was buried.
But here is where we are staying. Those rooms above the restaurant. Kelsey, MaCall, Kate and I are roommates. Between the four of us, eight beds, three rooms, and an extra bathroom was booked. . .
But the sad part is. . . we are all supposed to be staying at Bed and Breakfast places. . . except ours. We do not get breakfast here. . . so we will be wandering the streets tomorrow morning
But look how gorgeous it is. I do not think we will mind too much.
I think I might just have to stay here. . .
The Preston Temple is sooooo pretty. and I'm glad you were able to spread out at your bed and breakfast haha