Want to know why its called "BIG" Ben?
Because it is so BIG!
I really never thought too much about Big Ben until I came out of the tube and saw it towering over everything- no pun intended.
But as usual we had to run right by it to hurry and get our Blue Badge tour- Which was amazing
COOLEST PLACE EVER! But no, really. I think that Westminster Abbey was, could be, the best thing we have yet done on our trip. The whole time I was in there I was holding my jaw closed, whipping the drool off my face, and getting a crick in my neck from looking every which way 360 degrees.
It was way nippy and windy
It was way too crowded however and we were just rushing through like there was no tomorrow.
But after we were rushed out, some of us went to go lift our cold spirits up with some waffles!!! FINALLY!! However. . . . Kinda a let down- not as good as BRUGES in Salt Lake City.
This was a sugar ice and cinnamon waffle (I split with Cree)
Not to mention that later that day we had ribs for dinner. . . what a great day. . . and to top it all off. . .We only went to the Best Musical EVER
Les Miserables !
Amazing, wonderful, powerful, stirring . . . . . One of my favorites. Everyone in our group was crying. Our group especially was very audible. We have been singing songs all day long

After a three hour long English Lit class.. . . . loud groan. . .
We all went to the British Museum! !!
What a crazy event!!! This is my textbooks coming to life!
I saw so many things that I have been studying in my classes, but the real deal!
Luckily this time I was not alone in the museum, Kate and I stuck together the whole time and tackled the WHOLE place!
It took us roughly over three hours to semi zoom through the galleries
But it was so worth it!
This is me and a Lamassu . . . .
. . . And me with the three goddesses
I also got to see mummies, jasper ware, funeral portraits, early Egyptian stools. . the list goes on and on!
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